Sat 11 Jan
Warner Robins, best kept secret (478)283-8929NIKKI" (Warner Robins, exit 146, Watson blvd) - 25
(Macon, Warner Robins, Watson Blvd.,exit146)
I'm Here... You're There... Looks To Me Like *Your* In The *WRONG* Place!!! - 24
(Macon, Tired Of Driving? Lonely? Call Me)
New Chick W Face Pics! iF i Get Excited I Sqwert * Brunette Energizer Bunny loves fun!!! - 25
(Macon, Exit 146. 2 Nights Only. Dont B Lonely!)
$$$%%%***IM WHITE RIGHT, AnD CALL IF Yo MONEY Is Right$$$%%%*** - 21
💋Lexxi💋 TheSweet🍭 Petite😍 Italian🇮🇹 Treat🎁 Youve👤 Been L👀King 4️⃣ 💋 INCALL SPECIALS - 22
(Macon, Macon Riverside)
**Nice And Sweet Your Classy Treat**Mature Hot Wild** Call HILLARY 478-262 4903 - 46
(Macon, macon warner robins)
Last Day! █ * * * ★ YOUR BEAUTIFUL *BLONDE* ADDICTION!!! ★ Call Now ★ * * * - 25
(Macon, Riverside Dr Macon)
⭐♥⭐Gre€N-EyEd GoDdEsS*jUiCy BoOt¥ ♡ M¡XG¡®l ReAd¥ tO pLeAsE yOu⭐♥⭐So S€x¥ !!★♡☆ - 27
iNCALLS / OUTCALLS All Night , AVAILABLE on this late sunday / early monday Morning - 21
Here for two nights ! Beautiful face and gorgeous body ... You have every satisfaction you desire ! - 22
(Macon, Warner Robins in and out calls)
Looking to brighten up your morning? Look no farther ! Specials all night ! - 23
(Macon, Warner Robins)
Warner Robins CH3CK✅ME OUT 👉👉C♡M3 👐F33l 👐♡N 💕ThiS NiC3💋 SM♡♡TH❤ B💓💓 T¥!! - 29
(Macon, Warner Robins/Watson Blvd)
☛ YUMmY YUmMY ☚swEet LITTLE BUnNY AnD ITS exTra GOoD WHeN I SHaRe MY HoNeY 100 SPeCIaLS - 24
(Macon, WR/ Macon exit 146)
🎀❤•*¨¨Tueday SpEciALs// Sexy&Petite;// A Country Boy's Treat••*¨¨❤🎀 - 24
(Macon, Warner Robins/ Watson blvd)
*:•★ WaRnInG °o★©•° ❀EXTREMELY °•★©•° ADDICTIVE★ •:*¨¨*:•.LiMiTeD TiMe ★ - 22
(Macon, My Place Or Yours!!)
SPECIAL TODAY ONLY**Nice And Sweet Your Classy Treat**Mature Hot Wild** Call HILLARY 912-321-5160 - 46
(Macon, macon warner robins)
the girl next door all grown up and sexier than ever 50 specials - 21
(Macon, 475 exit 3 Eisenhower pkwy)
♡♥♡♥ Miss Summer ♡♥♡♥ Come b4 I Leave Guys ♡♥♡♥ 50 Moving Away ♡♥♡♥ - 24
(Macon, Exit 167 Pierce Ave/Riverside Dr)
Fri 10 Jan
Early bird SPECIALS QV50🌟🌟Come play in paradise 👅💋💋TOP services provided💦💦 - 23
(Macon, Warner robins watson blvd)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR__ NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* HOT *-:¦:-* AND STEAMY *-:¦:- - 26
(riverside dr/outcalls)
Ayiana Star 💖 Great Time 💖 ✨140 Hr ✨ 🏆Blk Wht Mix 💍 💖 FETISHES 💖 Ready To Play 👅✨✨ - 26
💋SwEeT Passionate,BLONDE 💋Sensual ,Satisfying EXP,24/7💋FF,40/50$special up all night 💓! - 35
(Macon, Macon,surrounding area, out call)
🎀❤•*¨¨SuNdAy SpEciALs❤ A Country Boy's Evening Treat••*¨¨❤🎀 - 24
(Macon, Warner Robins/ Watson blvd)
**Macon Finest is Finally here!!**Call NOW 4 Appointment be4 it's too late!!(Si habla espanol) - 24
(Macon, Macon,Riverside Dr,Arkmark,Byron)
❤💕🎀late WeDnEsDaY night SPECIAL🎀💕::Sweet & Petite..🎀..A Country Boy's Treat::💕🎀❤ - 24
(Macon, Warner Robins/Watson Blvd)
🌟Freaky** Quick Visit Specials * !!! :-) (( PAIGE is ready to play.. Are You?! )) - 25
(Macon, North Macon)
Here for two nights ! Beautiful face and gorgeous body ... You have every satisfaction you desire ! - 22
(Macon, Warner Robins in and out calls)
Hey Warner Robins last night here looking for good time $65 special - 26
(Macon, Warner robin Watson blvd 832 727 4762)
♡♥♡♥ Miss Summer ♡♥♡♥ Sexy Thick Blonde With Out Of This World Specials Waiting ♡♥♡♥ Limited Time - 24
(Macon, Exit 167 Riverside Dr/ Pierce ave In/Out)
💖 DR⭕P DE🅰D G⭕RGE⭕US 💖 PUERTO RICAN LaTiNaa🌹 🐇 Uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγℳαtε 🐇❄ 💦 🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹 && 🇯🇺 - 22
Come $ee Roxie, An $ee how a King'$ $uppose to be treated 24/7 :-D (478) 538-0913 - 22
(Macon, Riverside Dr Exit 169 macon ga)
*°★°* HiGhLy SkIlLeD *☆*°★°*☆* 100% PLEASURE *°★°*MELEYSIA IS H3R3 ALL DAY & NIGHT★°*☆100% R3AL PIX - 24
(Macon, Macon exit-169 Riverside Dr Incall 24/7)
Upscale * [FLiGHT]*✈{T OO} *[PARADiSE]* BOARDiNG NOW!!! (No $40 Specials) - 22
(Macon, My Place Or Yours!!)
Nikki new in town HighLY ReQuESTED in Atlanta, UPScALE CoMPAniON✨✨💞470 377 6681 💜FETISH FRIENDLY - 27
(Macon, Warner Robins, Riverside Dr, Zebulon Dr)